The evolution of technologies in recent years has been enormous. Changes that have been applied to society, schools, companies, and that are increasingly rooted in our customs.

The 1970s marked the beginning of the development of the Digital Age. And, little by little, Internet access, improvements in telecommunications, extension of the use of computers in homes,… have been making possible a communicative boom through these channels.

To better understand this phenomenon we must define what ICTs are and their impact on the business world.


What are ICTs?


The ICTs, or Information and Communication Technologies, are the set of tools accessible from different devices that allow us to reach and share information of all kinds with whomever we want.

These tools enable instant, safe and effective two-way communication. It won’t matter where you are. If you have a mobile device or computer you can access these tools.

This has revolutionized the world of communications as we know it until now, allowing elements such as videos, texts, images, music or voice to be shared through digital channels.

The ICTs have also facilitated many everyday tasks, automated tasks and connected people thanks to improvements in networks and communication tools.

Classification of ICTs

We can classify ICTs according to:

  • Devices or terminals: computers, tablets, mobile phones, televisions, …

The technological improvement of broadband and mobile telephony has enabled faster and more fluid communication. From this evolution, it has been possible to create an improvement in more powerful devices that transmit the information they generate faster.

These developments have led to an improvement in services such as e-mail and social networks when providing their service.

The ICTs in companies

And all this brings us to the level of the tools that companies can use and benefit from the evolution that has taken place in this field.

In recent years it has not been outlandish to see applications from all companies. Whether to facilitate the purchase of their products (tools e-commerce) or to make promotions and discounts to customers.

In addition to these communication elements, companies use Social Networks to deliver their promotions and offers to customers. Customers will be able to see comments and ratings from other customers regarding a particular company or service.

Information and Communication Technologies for enterprises

A web page, devices used by employees or even office tools used by companies, some of the examples of ICTs in companies.

Manage all the information and work that moves in a company is much easier today thanks to the evolution that the world of communication technologies has undergone.

Tools such as a Online CRM or a ERP make it possible to manage customer relationships, employee interactions and communication between different departments of a company, despite being in different countries or kilometres away.

Advantages of ICTs in enterprises

Thanks to tools such as a website, companies can make themselves known on networks. Being promoted on social networks, having e-commerce applications, managing a customer database with a CRM or even advertising on television can bring companies countless advantages:

  • Reach markets farther from their physical location: Greater diffusion
  • Give a better service to your customers thanks to Feedback obtained
  • Agile, efficient and less expensive communications.
  • Automate processes.
  • Save time and costs.
  • Digitization of information.
  • Contribute to the expansion of the company.
  • Improve the image of your company.

Despite all these advantages and benefits, many SMEs are still reluctant to take part in this technological maelstrom. Consumers are increasingly demanding simpler ways of communicating with businesses, be it through social networks, websites or e-mail.

And this is largely due to the evolution society is taking. More and more busy and with less and less time available. Any tool that saves time will be valued very positively.

And you: what do you value most about the evolution of Communication Technologies?

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