Getting information from each and every one of the interactions we have with our customers is very important. Recapitulating all this information, storing and sorting it in a safe place allows us to take further action based on the data obtained. That’s precisely what we can do with uSell CRM reports.

visit, every email, every phone call,…. all information can be stored in an orderly manner in uSell CRM.

Basic characteristics of all commercial reports

One of the CRM tools that any sales team must master is an effective reporting system.

Every reporting system must be characterized by being:

  • Easy to use.
  • Accessible from any device.
  • 100% configurable to suit our needs.
  • Agile and fast.

If we want this tool to be useful, we must involve the sales team in its use. If salespeople feel “under control”, if they feel that their actions are being observed, it is likely that involvement with the tool will decrease. Therefore, the sales team must be motivated and provided with a simple tool. That it serves them much more as control to be able to carry out follow-up and commercial actions than the management team.

The reports should not have an endless battle of questions, only collect the key data we really need.

They should be easy to fill in. The less work it takes for the team to fill them out, the more likely they are to do so. And that they do it in a way that is really useful, not just by filling out the report.

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It is also advisable to add a “Comments” field so that the salesperson can include those questions that are not asked but are considered important.

Thus, for example, if we design a type of commercial report for all first visits we will include questions of this type:

  • Contact person and position.
  • Regular suppliers (with a list where you can choose the most important ones)
  • Visiting day.
  • Intent to buy.
  • Next step.
  • Comments.

It will be the task of the Sales Director or the marketing department to design these reports. They will include questions about the information that is necessary. A questionnaire is not pleasant for the client to fill out either, and if we ask too many questions he is likely to get uncomfortable.

We recommend that the questions be simple and straightforward. And, above all, avoid questions of a more personal nature.

Therefore, the ideal thing to do is to ask questions that the salesperson will answer from what he or she gets from the visit (impressions, observations,…) without having to ask the client.

herramienta CRM

The unique uSell CRM Reporting System

That’s why our CRM tool allows you with its unique report design system to configure the right form for each company.

Our online software allows you to design an infinite number of reports. Each company can add the type and number of questions it needs to each report. Assign a name to each type of report to identify it, add mandatory answer questions, select options,…

Although this functionality can only be exercised by users with the administrator profile. And they must design them from the web portal.

The first thing we have to do is name our type of report. This will allow the salesperson to choose which one to fill in each time.

The question types allowed by the uSell CRM reporting system are as follows:

  • One line: Question to be answered in the one-line field. It is open and allows you to limit the characters. For example: Contact person
  • Several lines: Unlike the previous one, this is just another development question, and it allows us to explain it. It is ideal as a “Comments” field.
  • Date: Allows you to enter a question whose answer is a date. We can select it from the calendar
  • Time: This allows us to enter a time response
  • Selector: This structure allows you to add answer options to a question. It has no limit of options and allows you to configure whether the answer can be single or multiple.
  • Checkbox: A question whose answer is a field selectable by option.
  • Number: Allows you to configure a question whose answer is a number. It can be set if it is integer, decimal, digits and maximum decimals,…
  • Gallery: Allows you to upload image and video files.

As you can see this gives us infinite design possibilities, as each report can have one, several or none of the options of each type of structure. We will be able to decide if they are required and the report will not be saved unless we respond to them.

Want to learn more about uSell CRM reporting? In our section on Sales activity management have more information about them.

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And you, what questions would you include in your design? Leave a comment with your proposal!