The customers are the support of our business. Therefore, maintaining a good relationship with them is paramount. The health of our company’s economy is a reflection of the connection we maintain with our customers. A CRM strategy allows us to obtain information about this relationship.

If the connection is good, a CRM will help us improve it. And, in case there is something to improve, a CRM assists us to achieve it.


What is a CRM strategy?

Thus, a CRM strategy is based on using the technology that this type of tool provides to analyze customer relationships.

When a company adopts the CRM strategy it is because its objective is the client focus . Understanding that the success of a company lies in achieving a good relationship with its customers is what leads companies to implement a CRM strategy.


We have already seen in other Blog articles that a CRM is a tool that can bring us great benefits:

  • Helps us track customers.
  • We can access the customer database where we need it.
  • Helps predict better sales periods or actions that work better.
  • Reduces administrative tasks.
  • Helps improve decision making.
  • Increases customer satisfaction.
  • Improves tracking of incidents, tasks, etc.

CRM strategy for customer loyalty

But, above all, a CRM can help us keep our customers loyal. Who doesn’t like them to worry about themselves?

Un CRM software , is essentially a tool containing useful information, arguments and tools to make our CRM strategy a success.

We must configure our tool to help us get the information we will need to develop our CRM strategy.

It is essential to know the life cycle of our product. Also how often our customers buy or repeat purchases, what worries them about the product, if it requires maintenance,… It will be essential, for example, to set up a warning to inform a customer when an overhaul or maintenance of a product purchased with us is approaching.

A customer who buys a product also wants a rewarding experience. Today it is not enough to offer your customer an offer or promotion. Not even a good product at a good price is enough. A customer needs to experience positive sensations to remember your brand and repeat the purchase and thus become a loyal user.

Think about the product you market and what you should do to make your customers feel special.  Make them feel that you care about them. A birthday greeting, a Christmas card, a reminder of a renewal of their contract, …

It all depends on the type of customer and, above all, on the type of product you market. Since the same follow-up actions are carried out on a private customer who bought a vehicle as on a self-employed person who buys consumables for his restaurant or bar.

In addition you must take into account the available budget and the ROI (Return on Investment) that these actions can provide you with.

How to Implement a CRM Strategy?

Cómo implementar una estrategia CRM en tu empresa

Before implementing a CRM strategy, CRM must be implemented in the company. Get the whole team involved. The use of CRM in your company must be extended to all departments so that everyone has access to the necessary information. And provide the necessary information.

We must not lose sight of the main objective of implementing our strategy. We will have to have it previously defined to choose the CRM that can adapt to our needs.

Steps to implement CRM


The steps to successfully implement our CRM strategy should follow this scheme:

  • Define what objectives we want to achieve with the CRM (increase sales or X%, facilitate the tasks of salespeople, build customer loyalty, etc.)…)
  • Identify what we need to achieve the above objectives. (what functions our CRM must have to help us achieve those objectives).
  • Adapt and configure the CRM to your company. Normally the company providing the service will help you in this process.
  • Training of CRM users. (the company must provide its employees with training sessions as well as involve them in the improvements that the implementation will bring them).
  • Improvement and maintenance of the software and the CRM strategy (as the project progresses we can make small modifications and evolutions to improve the strategy.)


An infinite number of CRM software exist in the market. You will have to study which is the adequate one to implement the CRM strategy that you want and, if in addition the supplier company is able to help and advise you in the process.

A CRM, beyond being a client database to go to for information, should be a customer-oriented strategy.

Y, today, with the technology revolution, a CRM APP /strong>, allows the tool to be accessible wherever we need it.

Would you like to try uSell CRM’s Free CRM Demo and see if it is the software that will allow you to implement the CRM strategy you need?


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