“How can I sell more? How can I attract customers?”- These two questions are among the most common among a company’s directors or sales managers.

If we want to sell more we must reach a larger number of prospects. Or, failing that, make them reach us. To make ourselves known, to be present in the market, to receive visits in our web…

Easy to say but more complicated to get… right? That’s why we’re going to explain the strategies that work best.


Strategies to attract customers

It will depend on the type of business we have to apply one strategy or another. The aim of these strategies will be to reach a greater number of customers.

We must therefore know who our target audience (who may be interested in our product) will be in order to direct our efforts in this sector. That is why the first step is:

Identifica a tus clientes potenciales

Identify Potential Clients

Who is likely to become our client? This is the first step in attracting customers. Thanks to the definition of our target audience we will be able to define which strategies can be more effective.

To attract customers likely to buy our product we must know which is the most effective way to make ourselves known. Therefore we must take into account that aspects will influence more when promoting us before our target.

Inbound Marketing

This is a set of non-aggressive techniques for making ourselves known. The Inbound Marketing makes our business more visible to customers looking for our product. Depending on the type of business we have these can be: SEO and SEM, Content Marketing, RSS, …

We could say that Inbound Marketing is a subtle form of advertising. Improve the visibility of your brand, be present in the “environment” of the client,… the greater the reach of the brand, the greater the possibility of reaching someone who might really be interested.

Estrategias para atraer cliientes - Inbound Marketing
Empatiza y personaliza tus ofertas para atraer clientes

Empatiza, personaliza…

Empatiza con tu cliente. Put yourself in his place. This will help you to know what motivates him to buy.

Personalise the message to reach your client depending on the recipient. This is like a call of attention to its state of alert. It would be: “- Hey, this product is ideal for you. Do you want to know more about it?” This sensation will awaken the interest of the customer.

Direct these alert messages to provoke your client’s curiosity.

Adapt your point of sale

If your business is a physical store that customers go to in person, ideally it should be attractive.

It will depend on the product you offer. If your shop is fashionable, display and make your product visible in a pleasant way in the shop window. There are different techniques and tricks to attract attention, combine colors, lighting, posters with attention calls (discounts, exclusive, discounts) among others.

On the other hand, if you’re a baker, letting that pleasant smell of freshly made cake escape can attract passers-by.

Atrae a tus clientes por los sentidos
diferenciate de la competencia para atraer clientes

Differentiate from the competition…

…to get your potential client’s attention. Nowadays everything is commercialized, everything exists and the competition is very hard. It’s becoming more and more difficult to offer something that the rest of us don’t already offer.

Have initiative and see where you can improve. Observe your business, observe the competition and what you could offer that they don’t.

Provides a “Godparent” program

This serves to promote word of mouth, so that existing clients will also benefit. They will surely be more willing to recommend you if they are going to receive an incentive in return.

This technique works very well to help attract new customers and build trust. It is not the same for a friend to come and tell us that a product is good and that they also give us an exclusive offer for being recommended, that only for the company’s advertising.

Atrae a tus clientes con un sistema de padrinos o recomendados
atrae a tus clientes ofreciendo incentivos como descuentos, etc

Gifts, raffles, offers and discounts

Above all it is very appropriate to use it at openings to promote visits on opening day. Getting known will be essential. They can be direct, in RSS, raffles to the first 30 clients, etc.

Tools to get new customers

Access your database from customer management and analyze the content. Depending on the product you sell, you may want to consider whether it is a recurring, sporadically purchased product,…

What customers haven’t visited you in a while and are willing to repeat a purchase soon? You can, for example, offer them a sponsorship program so that they come back and also bring you a new customer.

To do this you’ll need to have a healthy, up-to-date CRM with all the information you need. You can also use email tools to contact your clients. For example Mailrelay is a great tool for this purpose.

The Social Networks are also a good tool to reach your target audience. You can offer raffles and prizes to your customers if they share the ad in question in their profile. Instagram is a good example where companies conduct this type of sweepstakes.

So much for our tips to help you and offer you ideas on how to attract customers to your business. And you, do you have any other that works and do you want to share it?


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